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Cut-to-Length Sheeting

To meet the demands of today’s precision metal decorating and sheet slitting equipment, RSI utilizes state-of-the-art sheeting equipment supplied by Littell, LLC.  In fact, we possess one of the largest privately-held collections of Littell sheeting lines in the world.  Between our two processing locations in Greenville, PA and our processing facility in Baltimore, MD, we have five Littell cutting lines currently in production, including one of only three high speed Littell BR-5ER rotary shears in the world.

For less critical applications, RSI also utilizes two Iowa Precision cutting lines in our Baltimore, MD facility.

Do you have cut sheets that you need resized to a smaller dimension? We can do that too! Contact our sales team at 724-646-2600 for more information on our sheet resizing capabilities in Greenville, PA and Baltimore, MD.
