Customer Satisfaction remains paramount for Reynolds Services, Inc.

2020 has definitely been a year of many first but for Reynolds Services, Inc. Customer Satisfaction has been part of the companies culture for over 30 years and that shows in what our customers say about us.  RSI’s annual Customer Satisfaction survey provides insight into areas that we are excelling, opportunities for improvement, and a way to get objective feedback on how we are servicing the marketplace.  The survey is sent to contacts at various levels within our customers organizations; we believe it is important to give everyone who has a hand in our account the opportunity to provide feedback.

The graph below outlines the results of our survey question. “How likely are you to recommend Reynolds Services, Inc. as a supplier” in the following areas: Tin Mill Products, Flat Rolled Steel Products, Aluminum and Coating / Lithography.  The results, year after year, show that our approach to business from Customer Services to Operations is working.  RSI continues to provide our customers with exceptional products, quality and ability to service our customer’s needs.